Nicole Vogel

Project Manager at CLN - , ,

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, , • 11 - 50 Employees
Education Management

CLN 創辦於 2014 年,位於國際地標台北 101 辦公大樓第 37 樓,提供一流的線上英語課程、企業員工語文教育訓練、會議口筆譯、英文師資訓練、公司文件編修、作文批改等專業語文服務。我們的合作廠商包含 Google、Yahoo、IBM、IKEA、Mercedes-Benz、台積電、聯發科等國際品牌。有別於市場上其他成人語言教學機構,CLN 著重客製化顧問服務,旨在解決客戶面臨所有因語言所衍伸的相關問題。我們的顧問團隊在提供語文顧問服務前,會實際走訪客戶企業和所在產業,了解客戶面臨的瓶頸,提出研究成果企劃,進而提供客製化的訓練和服務。CLN 致力於改變外語培訓產業的生態:我們以能力和教學實力為導向,不以國籍、臉孔、市場偏好來定義外語教學人才,並藉由創新、科技和高效管理,省下不必要的成本,以高於市場行情的待遇,聘請業界最優秀的顧問。「Continuous Learning & Nurturing」是 CLN 的宗旨,我們奉行多元、平等、包容的精神,重視人才發展與培育,鼓勵人才和 CLN 一同學習、茁壯。Founded in 2014, CLN is committed to providing a life-changing learning experience where companies are able to pave the way into the international market as well as communicate with fluency in foreign languages. CLN provides first-class English services including online English courses, corporate training programs, conference interpretation and translation, teacher training, document editing, and writing correction. Over the years, CLN has worked together with Google, Yahoo, IBM, IKEA, Mercedes-Benz, TSMC, MediaTek, and several other global brands. All of our courses and training are tailored to the specific needs of each client. Frequent communications with clients enable us to highlight their language requirements of the area of expertise.We are dedicated to bringing language consultancy to a new level: We utilize methodologies and technologies, bring innovation and flexibility to our training, and offer higher pay to retain talents who should not be defined by nationality and market preferences. "Continuous Learning & Nurturing" is our motto, and we welcome a multitude of professionals to join us!

Details about CLN
Frequently Asked Questions about Nicole Vogel
Nicole Vogel currently works for CLN.
Nicole Vogel's role at CLN is Project Manager.
Nicole Vogel's email address is *** To view Nicole Vogel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nicole Vogel works in the Education Management industry.
Nicole Vogel's phone number is ["0287727172"]
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