Golftini is a luxury brand of fashionable and functional women's golf apparel. The exclusively designed products, unique personal elements, and stylish prints and fabrics make Golftini your "go-to-brand" for both on and off the course. Originally known for it's printed & patterned skorts; Golftini now offers a diverse and expanding product line that includes a variety of different style skorts, polos, pants, outerwear, accessories & more.The Evolution of Golftini:The owner & founder, Susan Hess, simply could not find the golf outfit she was looking to wear. Seeking to fill this void, she designed her first skort. Susan unknowingly started Golftini, as her friends, acquaintances, and strangers kept requesting her to make more skorts. Golftini officially launched at the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando in 2005. After an extremely successful first show, Golftini was officially on the map. Now, after 17 years of continual growth, Golftini is available for purchase at and in over 600 stores worldwide - pro shops, resorts & boutiques throughout the globe.