Developmental Specialist - Desert Regional Center at Aging and Disability Services - Seattle, WA, US
Aging and Disability Services (ADS) is one of 13 Area Agencies on Aging in Washington state sanctioned by federal and state governments. ADS plans, coordinates, and advocates for a comprehensive service delivery system for older adults, family caregivers, and people with disabilities throughout King County—the local aging services network. The aging network includes community providers, advocacy organizations, government agencies, and health care providers, working in partnership to:• Improve health and quality of life for older adults and adults with disabilities.• Connect older adults and adults with disabilities to resources.• Provide help and support for caregivers.Our services include adult day services, age-friendly communities, Alzheimer's support, caregiver support, case management, disability access, elder abuse prevention, health promotion, in-home care services, information and referrals, legal services, mental health, nutrition and food security, senior centers, and transportation. To access services, contact Community Living Connections (toll-free 1-844-348-5464 or learn more about Aging and Disability Services, visit For an overview of the aging network, visit Our four-year Area Plan guides our work ( Our client profile is available at