We are a private limited company at multi locational Mumbai, & Palghar, India - the prime hub that houses major entertainment and corporates, into the business of software, web, mobile technology & animation- gaming & Beverage Products manufacturing unit including Packaged Drinking Water having a team of young and experienced individuals having diverse experience in the fields of beverage products including Media, Entertainment, Animation, Pre & Post Production, Movie making, Quality, Outsourcing and Information technology.Having delivered high quality products and services, today, we are a preferred destination for high quality software and mobile product development, Animation & Live action content for global clients.With a strong 30+ member creative team and 10+ members development team based out of Mumbai, India, we have been extremely successful in exceeding our customer expectations.www.p2hsolutions.comwww.azastru.comhttps://www.facebook.com/p2hsolutionspvtltd/