Infometric has extensive experience and expertise in energy measurement systems. We develop, sell and maintain our own system, both hardware and software. The system measures, collects and reports consumptions of electricity, hot and cold water, heat consumption and temperatures, especially in apartments. We use various technologies to make this effective and adaptable to various types of properties, for example, communications by radio, power grid or wire. All collected data is validated, handled by our support department and presented on various web sites and exchanged with other systems.With increased energy awareness and energy costs many property owners new has new requirements on metering and billing of energy consumption. It is becoming increasingly interesting to accurately measure, collect and remit sales for individual consumption. To continuously monitor how much you earn on various energy conservation measures it also makes it possible to contribute to a reduced burden on the environment.The business is focused to Sweden with customers like utility companies, property owners, construction companies and building societies. Infometric is part of Veticokoncernen.