We specialize in providing working capital solution that meets the growth objective and cash flow needs of small to medium sized businesses. Our most valuable asset is the character of our organization, its integrity and reputation, its resources, and standard of service, recognizing that we are in a niche financial market place, and service excellence, innovation and diversification of financial and corporate products and services are and will continue to be among the most valuable ingredients to our success. Vision Statement: The vision of Lynch Capital is to become the company of choice for factoring services in Ghana noted for innovation and customer excellence.Mission Statement: Lynch Capital's mission is to provide ongoing returns for the aggregated portfolios of accounts receivables held by the business through a well-motivated workforce to ensure sustainable growth in shareholder's value.Our Philosophy: At the heart of everything we do, we make our vision a reality and our mission a successful one. Together they form the bedrock of our business.Company Values: The essence of who we are underpins our values. Lynch Capital espouses the following core values: • Approachable – we are friendly and accessible • Dependable – we can be relied upon, we are on time, we keep our promises • Ethical – we do the right thing, we are honest • Innovative – we are creative and different, we stand out. • Passion for Customers – we live for our customers• Teamwork –teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success• Continuous Learning –this improves our lotThese firmly established and proven principles are fundamental to our business and they inform everything we do.