Niik Stewart Empowerment specializes in business coaching, personal coaching, and professional development events. Led by Niik Stewart, who is a sought-after global sales and empowerment trainer and keynote speaker, the company has held famous "live" events and provided high-performance training and coaching programs for over 20 years. Through his seminars and training, Niik has inspired and helped thousands of people each year to create extraordinary results and make a greater difference in their personal and professional lives.Main Services:☑ Mentoring and coaching programs.☑ Sales training.☑ Live and Online conferences and seminarsThe Niik Stewart Empowerment difference:✔ We sell confidence, success and motivation - essentially how to achieve high performance in each of those areas. ✔ We help you develop strategies to increase your success and harness the power of people around you.✔ We have become in one of the leading personal and professional development and high-performance life coaching and training companies in the world