A newspaper is not simply a commodity, even if some operations are run that way. Locally owned and proudly independent, the Observer takes its brand of journalism seriously. "Community paper" shouldn't be a euphemism for shoddy coverage, poor writing and useless filler. You don't have to look far to find other so-called newspapers up to those kind of antics, but not at the Observer.We know your time is valuable. When you sit down with the paper, it should provide something that's worth reading, featuring information that reflects the community.That philosophy has been in place since the Observer began publishing in 1996, launched by Elmira natives Joe Merlihan, the publisher, and his brother Pat Merlihan, the newspaper's production manager.In short order, the Observer grew to be the area's preeminent weekly, as residents made it the most widely read newspaper in the townships. We've also captured numerous awards in head-to-head competition with papers across the province and the country – the Observer is a member of the Canadian Community Newspapers Association (CCNA), the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA), and the Ontario Press Council.