Head of Finance, Director at West Heath Centre at West Heath School - Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
West Heath School has only one aim - to rebuild young damaged lives through education.We are an independent specialist school which is able to provideeducation and support for children who have suffered bereavement, bullying or who havesuffered a lack of understanding by those around them.We have approval for 150 children, boys and girls age 10-19, we offer both day andboarding accommodation. We are an Outstanding School (Ofsted 2017) offering abroad range of GCSE and A levels subjects, as well as outdoor activities, such as DofEand Princes Trust qualifications. We are fortunate to have the benefit of support fromour Founding Patron, Mohamed Al Fayed, which enables us to live in our beautifulthree hundred year old building set in 35 acres in Sevenoaks in Kent. Our therapeuticapproach to education enables our young people to reach their full potential and go on tolead fulfilling, exciting and purposeful lives.