LOWER COSTOli-Tec offers a lower unit cost than other time-temperature solutions. They more than pay for themselves in extended time on shelf.LABEL FORMATThey are designed for easy integration onto high-speed packaging lines, perfect for high volume food and pharmaceutical manufacturing.FLEXIBILITYThe indicators are flat and flexible. They can be adhered to a wide variety of surfaces, including curved ones such as bottles.CLEAR AND INTUITIVEShows from amber to red against a scale for clear indication to let you know product freshness in real-time.SAVES YOU MONEYThe early warning lets you know when to use the product in your home while it's at peak freshness and before it's time to discard it.SAVES YOU TIMEShopping and planning based on real need is so much easier. Confusing, ‘Once-Open, Use-Within' Dates become a breeze with Oli-Tec.