OPTBuzZ is a JobBoard and online community for OPT Students. Our goal is to assist OPT students in finding the right job based on their skills.Many students find themselves lost after their graduation on where to start their job search, and what their options are as an OPT student. This is where OPTBuzZ comes in, and will help the OPT students with job search and training needs. At OPTBuzZ , OPT students can now find independent qualified trainers who can provide training customized to the student's needs.By joining OPTBuzZ , students will join a huge community of other OPT students and keep themselves up to date on the current market for OPT students, browse thousands of jobs posted by employers looking to hire OPT students, have access to trainers and other technical experts. OPTBuzZ serves as a job board and a Social Network for OPT Students.Please feel free check out our web site www.optbuzz.com, and to contact us in case you need to utilize any of the services that our company provides.