mCorp has incredible expertise in Technology, Software Services and Management Consulting. We are passionate about our clients, our services and our people. Our passion for the industry has helped us to become the specialist service delivery company we are today. mCorp strive to help its clients achieve their business goals in time, with 100% accuracy and client satisfaction. mCorp is focused on Enterprise e-Commerce, Custom Web services, Cloud Computing, Mobile and Embedded System Development, ERP and CRM packages like SalesForce,, Microsoft Dynamics, and SAP. People at mCorp have worked with numerous clients and helped them improve their IT infrastructure and processes. mCorp helps start-ups turn their dream ideas into reality and enterprises achieve more out of their existing IT investments. Knowledge, innovation and teamwork are at the center of what mCorp do and strive to focus on leveraging these assets to deliver solutions that mean success for its clients.Since Inception in 2005 as a web development company we have grown year on year at a rate of 100%. started with 4 employees now we have 42+ team and still growing. Our knowledge in core technologies and a strong resource pool helps us in achieveing client demand on time. Our experience in skill management and Technology complement our consulting business to understand and screen resources effectively.When Customers face tighter deadlines and expect reassurances that the vendor Recruitment Agency will react swiftly and efficiently to their requests, which is why mCorp has invested heavily in 'state of the art' recruitment management Tools, softwares & own head hunting channels which empower our staff to fulfill client requirement on demand.