Decorative Media Covers for Children, Infants, and Toddlers.So I am the type of girl with a million ideas but lack the where-with-all to see it all the way to fruition. However! I truly believe in the American Dream and think it sometimes takes a team. I found my most valuable team member on Facebook of course! I posted that I was looking for seamstresses (for another project) and my friend from high school, Robin, sent me a message. This girl can sew! She actually MADE her prom dress. She called as I was strolling Ike down to the park (huffing and puffing) when we decided to dismiss project A. I then pulled my idea for a hanging iphone case out of the dusty shelves of my mind and off we went!Boy, has the Car Seat Cinema come a long way. Let me just say, that I constructed the "proto-type" from items that live in the kitchen. I made this because I just had to have the phone with Ike's videos everywhere I went and trying to prop it up just didn't work. It was a necessity for me and as friends and family saw it in action. They said I just HAD to patent it and sell it.Robin and I met and within another week, she had designed the first 2 proto-types and here we are.