Our main task is Veterinarian Supervision in swine herds. In close co-operation with the responsible persons in the herd, we try to clarify and supervise the various factors that affect the herd's health and welfare. Initiatives that ensure a good health and welfare in the herd are organized and implemented to achieve a good productivity.\\At the herd inspections, we attach importance to every single condition that may influence on the herd's capacity, i.e. stable conditions, feed, infection protection, handling of animals etc.\\Our key word is independence. We have no economic co-operation neither with medical companies nor feed suppliers, and therefore our clients are guaranteed a completely impartial supervision and the best possible cost benefit concerning the use of medicine and vaccines. In other words, there is no hidden agenda and we endeavor to work in the interests of our clients at any time. Focusing on this procedure has gradually ensured us a thorough knowledge and solid experiences through our work in Eastern Europe.\\All our veterinarians have solid experiences from the swine production, i.e. disease control, epidemiology, diagnostics etc. and besides they all have special and individual competences and fields of responsibility.\\Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/oevetas/