MISSIONTo provide our clients with high quality products, with a sense of responsibility and on a daily basis, and to increase our part in the production of all types of products, in which we engage.PHILOSOPHYOur company strives for production of high quality products.Provision of support and know-how with regard to products and their uses.Setting competitive prices so that clients are benefited.Satisfaction of our clients, whom we treat as a partner rather than a client.Investing in constant research/development of know-how and of new products.Building long-term and honest relationships based on trust, cooperation and credibility.STRATEGIC GOALSConstant improvement of the quality of the products and services provided.Development of new products in accordance with the ever increasing demands of our time and increase of its share in the market.Identification and satisfaction of its clients' needs; provision of quick, efficient and friendly service.Constant training of employees and improvement of their working conditions.Constant protection of the wider environment (inner and outer)