Tècnic d'autoprotecció at Peradejordi Proyectos e Informes, S.L. - Mataró, Catalonia, Spain
PERADEJORDI PREVENTION AND INVESTIGATION, is an engineering company specialized in risk prevention, safety, health and casualty investigation which has its headquarters and laboratories in Mataró (Barcelona).Our company is a pioneer in the field of prevention and investigation of disasters, and has qualified staff and extensive experience throughout the territory. It also has Labor Department accreditation as External Prevention Service of Occupational Risk Prevention (No. SP-066-B) in four preventive disciplines: SAFETY AT WORK. INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. ERGONOMICS AND PSYCHOLOGY. OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE.The explosions and fire safety is a key factor in all industry sectors, as regards prevention. Our contribution aims to reduce accidents in enterprises.The investigation of accidents and incidents, and defense before the Courts, allow us to help defend the good praxis executed.