lecturer at Thakur Polytechnic - Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thakur Polytechnic is affiliated to the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education (MSBTE) and conduct courses approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra. It fulfils all the norms and standards set by the AICTE as well as the Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education. The Polytechnic was accorded approval by AICTE vide their letter no. F-740-80-819 - (F)/FT/98 dt. 24th July 1998.Thakur Polytechnic (Tpoly) was established in the year 1998. It is primarily to cater to the need of students desirous of pursuing technical education after the Secondary School Certificate examination. It provides the best infrastructure facilities matched by an equally competent teaching faculty and a right academic ambience to make learning a delight full experience.As reflected in mission statement the Tpoly has set upon itself a responsibility of providing quality technical education comparable to international standards and preparing students with vocational excellence. To meet the quality assurance requirement, the institute has opted for ISO 9001:2015 from BSI (British Standard Institution). To ensure quality education, management is committed to render quality technical education & is striving continually to improve its effectiveness by taking relevant measures.Thakur Polytechnic was accrediated by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi with effect from 15-03-2012 for three years for Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering & Electronics Engineering. The Institute re- accredited for 2nd time accreditation for Five courses i.e. Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering & Information Technology for Two years with effect from 01/06/2017.The Institute re-accredited for 3rd time accreditation for Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering.