‘3rd axis' is a 3D Rendering and Animation firm which makes 3D Walkthroughs and Images of client's Ideas and Designs to help them achieve the required Visual Communication. Our services include :- 3D architectural walkthroughs\images 3D industrial walkthroughs\images 3D product walkthroughs\images 3D medical walkthroughs\images 3D engineering walkthroughs\images 3D exhibition stall walkthroughs\images 3D 360 degree panoramas 3D logo animations\images Currently 3D Walkthroughs and Images are like a mundane presentation putting across information, facts and statistics but we do not believe in such an approach to something that will be used to project Powerful Ideas. We believe that these graphics should be turned from being clunky and dull, as is usually seen, into a more Aesthetic and Cinematic Presentation, which is as they ideally should be. We believe in adding the Emotional, Environmental and Cultural Essence to such presentations. And we strive to envision and create the Real World Feel of these Walkthroughs and Images so that the eventual Audience get a better Impression overall. Our pride lies in giving 'Life' to Ideas and creating a better Experience out of 3D Graphics.