AIMS Analytical Information Management Solutions founded in year 2000 as SPSS Distributor in Turkiye.AIMS share a strong background in business analytics, predictive analytics and data mining. AIMSs' main focus is developing predictive analytics sector in Turkiye. AIMS is a Premier IBM Business partner. AIMS is certified on IBM SPSS Statistics and IBM SPSS Enterprise, UNICA, Coremetrics and Content Analytics Software. On both SPSS statistics and SPSS Enterprise products, AIMS is the only Support Provider Partner and Solution Provider in Turkiye.We are very focused on Predictive Analytics field and we are experienced in different sectors and application areas. We won IBM's Predictive Analytics Central Eastern Europe Business partner Achievement Award 2012. Please see also developed our capabilities around Enterprise Marketing Management. we are mostly in a consultant position for our customers trying to find a way to manage their relationship with their customers more effectively and trying to find a way to act more proactively in their sector. We are determining their business needs and requirements and helping them to solve their problems. We are also helping our customers to create a dynamic structure on managing their analytical capabilities.