Consiglieri, the Tech Advisory Products company, is the go-to advisory firm for fast-track tech companies, for all their strategic transactions and processes - from setting up their operations, through fundraising, management of investor relations, customized secondary deals, acquisitions of other companies, closing their own M&A and more.Each battle-tested Consigliere of ours takes turn-key responsibility on behalf of the client's executive management to lead, advise and coordinate all necessary resources - internal and external - to complete the transaction or process we specialize in successfully, at optimal results and cost, and with minimal disruption to the client's on-going business.Aside from tech companies, Consiglieri specializes in helping investors with no local presence in the Israeli tech ecosystem work their way methodically to becoming serial investors in this vibrant and never-dry well of opportunities.Sponsored by Yigal Arnon – a top tier Israeli law firm specializing in tech - and partnered with leading industry service providers, Consiglieri fills a key void in the Israeli high-tech ecosystem.