Group SBD, helps authors in all fields, with a space to collaborate and to disseminate their ideas, and research results to the widest possible audience, adding value to the quality of the work. Editorial services to present the opinion and research of an author/investigator.Open access it's the way we think that research should be in order to accelerate progress in science and medicine thru the widest research communication.It's not just about free and unrestricted access to research, it's also about open data and transparency that should represents the best scientific values, bringing scientists together, to share work as rapidly and as widely as possible, to advance science faster and to benefit society as a whole.Graphic production in offset or digital in small and large format. Offset printing on flat or rotating machines for long runs. Digital printing on paper or other materials (corrugated cardboard, PVC, wood, glass, among others). Design, budget, produce advertising campaigns, monographs, books, catalogs, brochures, magazines, billboard printing, screens, tarpaulins, rollups, personalized exhibitors, posters, merchandising, develop digital communication strategies, being available for challenges according to customer briefing.Conference organization, event decoration, 3D structures projects, promoting better analysis for project approval, digital invitations, badges, hostesses, photo / video reporting and digital editing ...