Head of Strategic Issues Sub-Department at Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi (HMJA) FEB UB - Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Staff Media Sub-Departement, Information and Communication Departement
Head of Public Relation and Networking Sub-Department at Information and Communication Department
HMJA FEB UB is a student organization that covers all undergraduate students of the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya. In its efforts, HMJA accommodates the aspirations of accounting students, facilitates them to express themselves, and channel their interests and talents in various fields.Like a family, HMJA positions itself as a home that symbolizes comfort, security, intimacy, and togetherness that supports movement that is supported. On the other hand, freedom is the responsibility of this family to advance in a better future.In addition to involving in the world of students on campus, HMJA also involves several associations between the Accounting Student Association of Malang (IKAMA), the Indonesian Accounting Student Network (JMAI), and IAI Muda East Java. With the aim of developing networking with external parties, HMJA together with the Accounting Department of FEB UB need to develop networks with stakeholders to absorb alumni of the Accounting Department of FEB UB. The network that has been established includes, among others, the top four KAPs in Indonesia, private companies and SOEs.