Africa Great Thinkers Invention, Education, Outsourced Support Services, Cyber-Cafe and ICT Consultancy ..................................................................... What is Africa Great Thinkers? Africa Great Thinkers (AGT) is a registered company, founded in Tanzania with the objective of involving and supporting Scientific and Technological creativities. It deals also with Training in Computer application programs, Computer repairs, maintenance and networking. It undertakes as well Service and Repair of Computers and other Office Equipment from Individual to Companies, Supply of computers and its accessories, designing Database and providing ICT Consultancy How was AGT Started? Africa Great Thinkers Co. Limited (AGT) was conceived through a Tanzanian initiative, with encouragement from the young talented youths. They found a need of involving in invention activities by designing and fabricating equipment including School-Teaching tools on efforts of supporting Science and Technology development in Tanzania and Africa at large. They wanted as well to use their professionals to carry out other business based on Information Communication Technology (ICT). Location. Africa Great Thinkers is located in Sinza area, near to Vatican Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The premise is easily accessible since there is good transport from different corners of the city. There is good area for better environment of work, studies and other activities. Contact: +255 754 362422 or +255 22 2460775,