Nirosha Samarathunga

Accountant at Kilter Pty Ltd - Bendigo, Victoria, AU

Nirosha Samarathunga's Contact Details
Kilter Pty Ltd
Nirosha Samarathunga's Company Details
Kilter Pty Ltd logo, Kilter Pty Ltd contact details

Kilter Pty Ltd

Bendigo, Victoria, AU • 20 - 49 Employees
Investment Bank/Securities Brokerage

Kilter Rural was established in 2004 to deliver profit with impact – investing at scale in the regeneration of farmland, water and environmental protection.By 2050 the world will need to feed 50% more people. Addressing food needs without exacerbating the degradation of natural capital will depend on stabilising the world's current agricultural footprint and producing more food through the regeneration of existing farmland.Our purpose is to profitably improve Australian farmland, water and ecosystems at scale and generate long-term, resilient and uncorrelated inflation-protected returns for investors.Our current open funds: The Murray Darling Basin Balanced Water Fund and Kilter Water Fund offer investment in the water market. Our Kilter Australian Farmlands Fund is currently closed to new investors.

Details about Kilter Pty Ltd
Frequently Asked Questions about Nirosha Samarathunga
Nirosha Samarathunga currently works for Kilter Rural.
Nirosha Samarathunga's role at Kilter Rural is Accountant.
Nirosha Samarathunga's email address is *** To view Nirosha Samarathunga's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nirosha Samarathunga works in the Farming industry.
Nirosha Samarathunga's colleagues at Kilter Pty Ltd are Johanna Morgan, debra wilson, Sean Winder, Brendan Watson, Cullen G., Erica McArthur, Anita Butters and others.
Nirosha Samarathunga's phone number is
See more information about Nirosha Samarathunga