is a smart and easy way to find local, trusted and qualified tutors/teachers in Ireland. myTutor offers a variety of classes and courses, and allows students to contact and find their tutors/teachers very quickly. In other words it is a marketplace for tutors/teachers and students in Ireland.It is also a new online community for those seeking to learn new things and also for those professional and talented tutors who seek to teach. We have created myTutor to simply encourage people to learn something new, and allow anyone interested in picking up a new skill to do so quickly.By finding classes you love, and by finding great tutors/teachers, myTutor hopes to evolve and soon introduce many other features for students and tutors/teachers.myTutor is a place where you will soon be able to find classes in academic and test preparation, business training, musical classes, technology and Internet, languages and health and fitness.By finding your local and trusted tutor, users of myTutor service, will simply save time and support local business. We hope that everyone using our site will get great experience and thanks to word of mouth, we will be able to grow our site. myTutor - Know it all