KAVISHA PHARMA is a young Spanish company with a great international projection, which aims to offer innovative products in the pharmaceutical industry and specially in the health and fertility sector. We are expanding our workspace around the world. Among our products we can highlight FERTILCONTROL Easy, that is very useful to improve the family planning. It is a simple and effective method of analysis based in a reusable microscope which allows to know the fertile days of women through the crystallization of saliva, obtaining easily and economically the desired pregnancy in a natural way. Other of the process that we want to facilitate is the breast self-exploration, technic consisting in the own observation and palpation that the woman do of their breast. To make easier this task we have created the glove SENSIFEMME, which provides a more uniform palpation without resistance or friction that may affect the touch feeling. With this product the appearance of any change in the shape or the normal size of the breasts is detected very fast, so you can treat it early, factor that greatly increases the chance of cure in cancer cases.