Established in 2015, Maltik is a certified, small business providing contractors to companies nationwide. Maltik is an offshore services provider.By delivering the right resources at the right time, Maltik helps you achieve your IT and other business objectives efficiently and cost effectively.We also specialize in Leasing of IBM/HP/Sun Microsystems Server & storage. Desktops, Laptops, Tape Drive, Cisco F/w, Cisco Routers, Cisco Switches, Projector. We have a good Stock of Intel/AMD branded Server approx 50+ Server we can give on rentals . We are Majorly into Sun Systems & have Lots of Sun Systems as well, to name a few models available with sun Microsystems like V490, V480,V880, V890,Sun T1000, Sun T2000, V440 & many more Ex - Stock with us. We undertake Up gradation of Sun Systems, We specialize in Sun Cluster too. We can lease out most of the machines available with Sun. We also do lots of Spares on IBM/HP/Sun too.Industries we specialize in: *Information Technology*Engineering*Human Resources*Aerospace & Aviation*Finance & Accounting*Life Science & Pharmaceuticals*Healthcare IT*Oil & Gas*Construction*Energy & Retail.