Kipp Nall established this company in Albuquerque, NM back in 1992. He started out small by rebuilding golf cars and tractors… He also had an automobile collision shop. In 1995, Kipp decided to move back to Las Cruces to be closer to family…He bought a 4 acre lot on the East Mesa, off of Bataan Memorial East where he built several buildings and his business took off from a one pony show to much larger business…Though the golf car business is the major source for this company, Kipp has branched out to selling new and used tractors, commercial lawn mowing equipment, used cars & rv's, Polaris UTV's and much more. The company also has rentals. Our rental lines include Golf Carts, RV's, and Polaris UTV's. Both our Albuquerque and Las Cruces stores have showrooms and sizable parts departments. Las Cruces also has the auto collision shop.Kipp has built his business with one goal in mind….100% Customer Satisfaction… A happy customer is a loyal customer.