Columnist: "Social, Style and Sensibilities" reporting from Beverly Hills
At Vero's Voice we welcome articles written by neighbors and lay writers who, though they may not be as polished, will perhaps offer insight that is not fabricated or embellished in order to make sensational headlines. The thirst for honesty in news is evident and seemingly harder to come by in today's commercialized press. In the frenetic pace we are all experiencing in our personal lives with text messages, cell phone interruptions, i-pads, facebook, it is our vision to facilitate a monthly digest of short and to the point articles written by people, like you and me, who read it. We expect the paper to grow and morph and take on a life of its own - we welcome your positive comments and opinions! Feel free to submit articles of 250 words or less with relevant photo. Photo hobbyists, please submit your best shot for our monthly contest. Winner will receive dinner for two at a local restaurant. Send to You now have a voice – YOURS!