Travel Buzz Media assists brands by using a mix of storytelling and social media promotion to reach sophisticated and affluent travelers. We are travel writers, photographers, marketers and digital media experts who Inspire, motivate, create buzz and spark engagement!Let's talk about our customized solutions, that include powerful social media strategies, that positions your brand or destination in front of sophisticated, affluent, and frequent travelers. We can help you inspire, motivate, and connect with your targeted customer, and we can do it working within your marketing plan and budgetTravel Buzz Media increases brand message and reach by educating and informing consumers with a mix of social media and personal storytelling.We offer customized solutions and powerful social media strategies which are designed for brands who wish to inspire, motivate and connect with sophisticated, affluent travelers.Your marketing program will benefit from our customized, targeted service package designed to fulfill strategic objectives within the budget you set.For more information, contact us at info@TravelBuzzMedia