Know Me Productions (KMP), a boutique production company and creative services agency, specializes in video content for broadcast and digital, including program development for television series and documentaries.Best known for its dynamic style, KMP has become the go-to agency for design and production of national promotional and advertising campaigns featuring its acclaimed TV and digital ads, corporate videos, sizzle reels, and EPKs. In addition to shaping compelling cross-platform concepts and strategies for the television, film, music, gaming, sports, and fashion industries, KMP provides crewing services for outside productions, large and small.The award-winning work produced by KMP has served such clients as American Express, Moet Hennessy USA, Rémy Cointreau USA, Constellation Brands, Sony Entertainment/BMG, Target, Time Inc., Sports Illustrated, EA Sports, 2K, ESPN, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, and Viacom.KMP's extensive network of creative and technical media arts professionals stands ready to meet any challenge.