Considering the predecessors, our company has been operating since 1983 as a family business, where a successful generational changeover took place in 2011. For over the past 30 years, we have been manufacturing the Nebuló liquid adhesives and the Nózi nasal inhaler sticks with strict adherence to the same standard of values. After the generation change we made a new, unified design for the products and we started to widen the product portfolio. In 2012 we launched new glue sticks and an adhesive gum to the market. In 2014 we started to sell coloring stationery products like: crayons, oil pastels, paints, color pencils and water color pens. We have always strived to be able to provide our customers the finest quality of our products at an affordable price, but flexibility and fast customer service are too one of our top primary concerns.Last but not least, we are proud of our stable, and in many cases, decades-long partnerships, whether they may be our suppliers or our customers.