Pyrotech Energy is a organisation dedicated to propelling innovative environmental solutions. Our mission is to foster global sustainability through research, development and campaigns that promote environmental education, green-smart technologies and local job growth. A core expertise of Pyrotech Energy is the application of exciting new technology for the thermochemical conversion of various biomass resources to energy and other useful solid and liquid products.This project explores how to optimise the contribution of woody biomass to renewable energy provision and legitimate commercial income generation – given its comparative advantages as the predominant form of rural energy in most developed countries, widely available at all times, increasingly convertible into all major energy forms (liquid, gas, heat and electricity), readily carbon neutral or even a carbon sink, with the potential to restore unproductive degraded lands and enhance agricultural productivity fostering green smart innovations. We provide new tools and technologies that sequester carbon and rescue endangered ecosystems. We focus on sustainable technologies for reusing and recycling in novel ways.KEY FEATURES OF THE MOBILE PYROLISIS PLANT Easily transported unit with access to most remote areas.Fully automated feeding process.Our fast pyrolisis technolgy converts biomass to Bio-Crude Oil, Biochar, Wood-Vinegar and Syn-Gas. Our MPP comes into two sizes a 2 tonne unit and a 10 tonne unit.10 tonne of woody biomass will yield 2.5 tonnes of Bio-Crude oil, 2.5 tonnes of Wood-Vinegar, 1tonne of Biochar and Syn-Gas equal to a 1.2MW a day.Batch processing takes 22-24 hours depending on moisture content.Destruction of all pathogens.Very low emissions High thermal energy output.Designed for farm and forestry machinery operations.Capacity for bolt -on electricity generation unit, as well as thermal energy generation.