Mutual Interactive Xchange, LLC also known as MIX-LLC is a firm that navigates difficult Labor and Management disputes into workable solutions. Noreen brings 29 years of Labor and Management experience having served in key roles on both sides of the aisle. MIX-LLC provides expert advice to senior leadership on employee engagement, performance management, holding effective conversations, employee accountability, increased morale, and increased productivity. MIX-LLC provides Labor organizations advice on interacting effectively with Management, understanding and implementing positive advocacy and how to succeed at the table. Noreen has advised and trained thousands of managers throughout the Federal government. She is well respected by senior leadership and Union officials alike. Noreen's ease in working with both Parties is due in part to her work background having served as an elected Union official for 10 years, EEO Specialist, Senior Labor and Employee Relations Advisor for 19 years. The major reason Noreen has the proven ability to resolve disputes between the Parties is her keen understanding of Labor and Employment Law. Noreen started out as a grass roots advocate which enabled her to gain valuable experiences first hand. As such, the motto at MIX-LLC is "there is a solution to every problem" and "maintaining integrity is not optional."