NMS Associates is a team of business coaches, advisers and mentors to businesses in the small and medium sized sector (SMEs). Our interest in the dental industry, in particular, dental practices, is because we believe the industry (and indeed the economy) is going through some major changes and that businesses need help to adjust and move forward to become better practices.By better we mean both in terms of offering the best possible service to its patients (customers) and in being successful as a business long term. Our model of supporting clients to increase knowledge, skills and motivation simultaneously is at the core of our unique approach to helping ordinary practices grow to become extraordinary practices.We work with both people and processes, the two main elements of any successful practice and once we engage with them their organisation will benefit from: Practice owners who have a clear vision of where the practice is going and can communicate this vision to all those involved. Practice Managers who can develop a great practice and great people. Owners, Practice Managers, Administrators, Co-ordinators and Receptionists all alert to the opportunities of making the practice more successful and with a desire to perform to their maximum potential.