As far back as I can remember, whether it was paint by numbers or coloring rocks from outside, i've always been creative, always loved art and beauty. As I grew up, I always had artistic tools around, brushes, paints, crayons, chalk, pens, pencils, but it wasn't until 2000 that, out of necessity, I started a pencil portrait business and discovered what really drove me, what I truly found beautiful, and that's people. It was during this time that I picked up a camera and began to capture this beauty. I just think that there's no better work of art, no more beautiful creation than people and to be able to capture that, to capture who they are, what makes them who they are, that just moves me, inspires me, drives me to do what I do. I am a photographer and I capture beauty. Kimbrell Photography specializes in family and corporate portraits and loves to shoot promo material for bands.