MODE Holdings W.L.L is a professional group based in Bahrain with strong client base in the Middle East and Africa. MODE was established with the primary objective of offering high quality integrated delivery channel services & IT consultancy to potential organizations in Africa and Middle East countries, which seek to develop Mobile Banking/Money initiatives. Our domain expertise spans multiple verticals providing services across 3 areas: • Consulting • Managed Service • Build, Manage and Transfer MODE understands MNOs and Bank's objective of having Mobile Banking services for customer's satisfaction. MODE is committed to working with MNO/Banks in achieving its business goals and providing the best solutions that will exactly meet its requirements in a cost effective manner. Our approach reflects the corporate goal and unwavering commitment to provide Mobile Operators and Banks with the highest quality of work, on time, and within budget. We always seek to match solutions and systems against real-world yardsticks of practicality and affordability, with quality as a constant imperative. We have successfully deployed five LIVE Mobile Money Services.