Chief Executive Officer at Northern Community Legal Centre - Broadmeadows, Victoria, AU
Northern Community Legal Centre (NCLC) is a not-for-profit community legal service. NCLC is committed to providing access to justice through free legal advice and casework to the most socially, economically, and culturally marginalised members of the community. NCLC operates in one of the fastest growing areas of Melbourne, and has a significant catchment including the Hume City Council, Merri-bek City Council, and Mitchell Shire Council. The NCLC operates from a central office located in Broadmeadows, with outreach services to other service areas, including Wallan, Sunbury, Glenroy, and Craigieburn. Our purpose is to ensure equal access to justice for all in Melbourne’s North West and we do this by the provision of legal services, community legal education and law reform to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in Melbourne’s North West. The NCLC has a strong and proud focus on family violence.