Nurul Aini

Staff Marcomm at Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS) - Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Nurul Aini's Contact Details
+91- 9080917281
Bandung,West Java,Indonesia
Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS)
Nurul Aini's Company Details
Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS) logo, Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS) contact details

Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS)

Bandung, West Java, Indonesia • 32 Employees
Food Production

PT. Bonli Cipta Sejahtera was established in February of 2012, the merger of three companies engaged in the manufacturer of cookies; J & C Cookies, Ina Cookies, and Ladifa Cookies. The aims and objectives of management are merging one roof to support each other and become a better company, in addition to Halal certification, we also implement HACCP as a food safety system that has been recognized internationally, in order to provide the best service and meet the needs of consumers.

Details about Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS)
Frequently Asked Questions about Nurul Aini
Nurul Aini currently works for Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS).
Nurul Aini's role at Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS) is Staff Marcomm.
Nurul Aini's email address is *** To view Nurul Aini's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Nurul Aini works in the Food Production industry.
Nurul Aini's colleagues at Bonli Cipta Sejahtera (BCS) are Difa Bcs, Tito Afrianto, Djoko Poerwanggono, Nani Suryani, Yoza Radyaputra, Rengga Agustia, Razil Riyadli and others.
Nurul Aini's phone number is +91- 9080917281
See more information about Nurul Aini