Administrador at PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. - Caracas, Capital -A, VE

NURYS MERCHAN's Contact Details
+58 212-7084111
PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.
NURYS MERCHAN's Company Details

PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.

Caracas, Capital -A, VE • 14695 Employees

Es la corporación estatal de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela que se encarga de la exploración, producción, manufactura, transporte y mercadeo de los hidrocarburos. Adicional a su propia producción, maneja mas de 30 Empresas Mixtas a nivel nacional y una red de refinerías a nivel mundial.Recientemente ha iniciado esfuerzos exploratorios de hidrocarburos en las costas orientales y occidentales del mar territorial venezolano.

Petroleum And Natural Gas Oil Exploration Hydrocarbon Petroleum Production
Details about PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.
Frequently Asked Questions about NURYS MERCHAN
NURYS MERCHAN currently works for PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A..
NURYS MERCHAN's role at PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. is Administrador.
NURYS MERCHAN's email address is *** To view NURYS MERCHAN's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
NURYS MERCHAN works in the Energy industry.
NURYS MERCHAN's colleagues at PDVSA Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. are Soraya Sanchez, MARIA SILVA, Elaine Canache, Jennifer G., Yoselina Osorio, Miguel Urdaneta, Jonhatan Zambella and others.
NURYS MERCHAN's phone number is +58 212-7084111
See more information about NURYS MERCHAN