The animal health interest of Merial Group, (Merial SAS, Coophavet SAS, both of France) after its global repositioning exercise of the year 2000 found a ready hand in Turner Wright Limited which was founded in 1997 to carry on with its interest in Nigeria.Merial today, is now a part of Boehringer Ingelheim.Turner Wright Limited (TWL) started operations in the year 2000 bringing with it several years of experience in handling veterinary pharmaceuticals and biologicals; inheriting the technical know-how and continuing to be the repository of the expertise of Merial in Animal Health. We provide technical support, supplying vaccines and veterinary medicines to livestock farmers in Nigeria and parts of West Africa.Because of the recognised link between hygiene, health, and nutrition, it was only a matter of time before TWL expanded its products to include feed additives from Selko BV / Trouw Nutrition and disinfectants from Antec/Dupont in its product portfolio.In recognition of the professionalism with which Turner Wright Limited attends to its business, members of the research community found it expedient to encourage her to venture into diagnostic kits and reagents as well as laboratory equipment and consumables, this has encouraged the founding of our sister-company known as Turner Wright Bio-Sciences Limited.