Holistic healing at Resonating Energies uses different tools and techniques to work with energy to address the issues brought up in a session. Sessions can be used for preventative measures or for relaxation purposes. Some issues can be dealt with in a session; some take longer. The specific amount of time will vary with each individual and where they are in their life journey.Resonating Energies offers:• Reiki• Chakra Balancing• Meridian Technologies (includes EFT)• Crystal Healing• Sound HealingThese services can help with:• Addictions - Smoking, Eating• Phobias - Fear of failure, Animals• Overwhelming Emotions - Anger, Anxiety, Sadness• Outworn Beliefs - I am unworthy, I am not happy• Sleep Issues - Sleep deprivation, Restless sleep• Tension in relationships - Between Parent and Child• Physical Aches and Pains - Headaches, Back pain• Low Energy Levels - Lack of Energy, Drained• Depression• Rejection - from a friend, relative, team• Digestive Issues - Indigestion, Constipation• Communication Issues - Voicing your thoughts• Concentrating - unable to focus on tasks at work• Stress - At home or work• Relaxing