it professional and educator and advocate at St. Francis Neighborhood Center - Baltimore, MD, US
St. Francis Neighborhood Center strives to give people hope for a better tomorrow by providing them with the tools they need for a better today.Mission: St. Francis Neighborhood Center is committed to breaking the cycle of generational poverty through education, inspiring self-esteem, self-improvement, and strengthening connections to the community.St. Francis Neighborhood Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), a community-based organization in the Reservoir Hill area of Baltimore. Founded in 1963 as an outreach center for two local churches, the Center was incorporated in 1972 as a neighborhood nonprofit corporation, independent of any church affiliation. Since its inception, the Center has served as a resource and catalyst for improving the lives of those in Reservoir Hill. and making Baltimore a better place. Our programs create an approach that builds self-esteem, personal strength, academic, emotional, interpersonal, social, and community development that work to address complex challenges in an effort to break- through the cycles of generational poverty. In an average month, we serve over 300 adults, youth, and families.St. Francis Neighborhood Center has been the only enduring institution to serve this large and diverse community since the riots of 1968. Due to its unwavering dedication, the Center has become an iconic presence within the Reservoir Hill community.