Our MissionIn Europe the leading National Business Travel Associations are united through BT4Europe to empower the local, regional and pan-European representation of the business travel industry with a clear focus on the customer journey of the business traveler. We represent buyers and users of business travel services on European level. We give a unique voice to thousands of corporations which buy business travel and millions of business travelers across Europe.Our VisionWe build a bridge between users of business travel and decision makers in governments, legislation, and other institutions. BT4Europe is fully committed to constantly promoting and supporting European legislation to better enable sustainable business travel with its undeniable positive effects on the European economy. BT4Europe wants to enable and promote business travel's digital transformation into a more sustainable future. Knowledge sharing between the associations and education for the members of the national associations are other key pillars of BT4Europe's foundation. Diversity and inclusion matter to BT4Europe. By embracing these values stakeholders enhance the necessary problem-solving to rethink businesses and reimagine industries in the face of unprecedented disruption. BT4Europe is committed to making a difference in the areas we impact the most. That's why BT4Europe supports the specific UN Sustainable Development Goals. BT4Europe is delivering its values to ensure its stakeholders emerge from this crisis stronger, more skilled, more agile in order to adapt to the fast-changing world.