SRL Software Products Ltd. (SRL) is an exclusive representative for most important and most advanced global Software companies, covering: Israel, the Balkan countries as well as East Europe. SRL's vision is to be the most appreciated company in the Israeli IT industry by leveraging its customers to be the leaders in their own field of operation. SRL is committed to this idea by selling, implementing, supporting and educating the most advanced open, but still integrated, solutions proved to serve its customers most important demands in any particular time. Lately SRL announced its unique 3D (Data>Decisions>Do) and ABC (Active Business Culture) concepts which has been developed in the last few years. The 3D concept integrates the Active BI solutions within and above the Active BPM solution, creating an active environment in which the organizational managements can develop its own decisions and make them a complete reality. The 3D produces Real-Time Insights for the organization management while integrating all available data, documents and content, creating new kind of data which has never been seen before and forcing in-process KPI collection for true leadership control. Using 3D approach a new reality can be achieved. SRL strategy leads it to share it’s in depth experience and its unique proven methodology with its partners and customers in Israel as well as in few selected countries in Europe. SRL is a Malam-Team company. SRL is a GOLD partner of Microsoft .