Vivacity, in its existence, stood justifying itself as one of the most lively and animated jubilation that youth has ever experienced. Embarked by tenacious alumni, this Techno-Cultural-Management festival today has snowballed to a popularity of 40000+ Facebook fans and more than a million views on its Youtube channel videos; all of which can be attributed to the acuminous student committee that have piloted this fest in its odyssey so far. With the last year's triumphant theme 'A Surreal Symphony', Vivacity has compelled the interest of a motley crowd of more than 75000 participants from various colleges all over the nation.Vivacity is a juxtaposition of several contentions of dance, music, dramatics, literature, (of which Raddrock, Razzmatazz, Vogue is a major fascination), with sundry informal fun events, authorized workshops, exhibitions and gaming challenges. The brimming talents who are judged by distinguished virtuoso vie their way to win titanic prizes. The Jal Band, Reath band, Euphoria, Mohit chauhan, Javed Ali, Nikhil D'Souza and Mohammed Irfan are some of those archetypes of music industry who have bedazzled the Pronites, enrapturing the vivacious crowd.We, the Vivacity team, yet again have come up with the proud invitation to this joie de vivre. Come, be a part of this artistic masterpiece, come be a part of Vivacity 2018!