Primeclass is the fastest, most efficient way to master the skills you need. 100% online, part-time & self-paced. Our industry-leading programs in Visual Studies (Photo, Video, Fashion and Design) recognized by top companies worldwide.Your success is our goal, we reinvented online learning for you. Only at Primeclass:-Personalized Curriculum -Tiered Professional Networking-Learn by Doing-Job Focused Content and Assignments-Real-Life Projects-1:1 Mentorship and Coaching when you need it-100% Placement Rate PromiseWe strive to make quality education affordable, our learning tracks start from $49 per monthCustomers love what we do and our 2020 traction metrics prove that our model works:-340% YoY Growth-LTV/CAC>3-$40K MRR-almost half of our $700K round signed or spoken aboutwe invite global talents and investors to be in touch with us.primeclass is DBA (doing business as) name of Heartbeat Education, corporation registered in Delaware, US