For a quarter of century commercial SPM microscopes have attracted scientists by the unique capabilities of materials' characterization at small scales. This is an ongoing journey to the nanoscale, and our team consolidates long- term experience, strong motivation and hard-work ethics for continuous improvements of the instrumentation and applications. Our goal is to provide researchers with the most sophisticated instruments for quantitative measurements of structure and properties of materials. In achieving this mission we are advancing the local studies with contact and oscillatory (resonant - Amplitude and Frequency Modulation modes; and non-resonant – HybriD mode) techniques using their complimentary nature for quantitative nanoscale measurements of mechanical and electric properties. In a further extension of AFM we have combined it with spectroscopic Raman studies where the spatial resolution approaches a few nanometers with the tip-enhanced technique. We are rigorously proving the quality of our microscopes and validity of various measurements with applications on different samples thus providing our customers with a database for successful studies of materials of their interest. Starting the end of 2014 NT-MDT activities in the USA are guided from a new office in Tempe AZ where the sales and technical support groups are working side-by-side with an experienced research and development team. This arrangement further strengthens our support of our US customers and enhances their awareness about novel research projects and advanced applications of our microscopes.