Atama is an AI-engine for trading in financial assets that have been the result of years of r&d. Using more than 160 technical indicators and trained and back-tested millions of times, predicts where the market will go and can take day trading out of your hands. We have a unique system that enables us to train new trading algorithms and run millions of trading simulations each day.Our research is built on the intersection of technical analysis, deep learning, and algorithmic trading. Our goal is to predict changes in the market direction given its current state.Our proprietary Multi Deep Learning AI platform is the result of years of research and is currently one the front-runners in the industry. It is quicker, more reliable, and produces better results than any other system out there yet. The platform as a service is aimed at financial asset management firms and other trading professionals.It provides a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to produceprofitable trading algorithms using AI.