Сustomized recruitment of the most sophisticated industry experts worldwide.We are here to bring you understanding of the complex and niche marketsOur services:EXPERT-NETWORKWe moslty deal with really hard-to-find and hard-to-persuade experts of various roles in different markets: C-levels, TOP-Managers, Procurement and Reimbursement experts, Payers (current and former governmental authorities' employees), Key-Opinion-Leaders, Journalists, Engineers, Physicians, Patients, TOP-managers of Tier-1/2/3 Pharma and Biotech companies etc.ONLINE-SURVEYSThis includes the expert-network service of finding and recruiting industry experts of various roles plus a full online-survey support. This includes a support in questionnaire elaboration, online-format survey creation (both simple online-survey tools and complex online-survey programing), experts' guidance through a survey (e.g. phone-assisted survey) and survey results presentation.IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWSIn addition to the expert-recruitment our multi-lingual analytical team are able to run an interview-campaign (conducting all or part of interviews) for any project and support that with either detailed transcripts or audio-recordings upon a client's request.COMPREHENSIVE MARKET RESEARCHThis service includes both secondary (desktop) and primary (interview-campaign) market research performed by a dedicated team of experienced Analysts and supervised by a Project Manager or Partner from our side.